Friday, December 27, 2019

Crohn s Disease An Inflammatory Bowel Disease Essay

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that is defined by inflammation of the digestive system. It can affect any part of the GI tract, including the mouth and anus (Abbvie Inc, 2016)). Crohn’s disease does not have a cure and there is no exact cause for the occurring disease. â€Å"Since the exact cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown, it has been linked to a combination of environmental factors, immune function and bacterial factors, as well as a patient’s genetic susceptibility to developing the disease† (History Cooperative, 2014). Lauren Page is 28 years old. She was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when she was 24 going on 25 years old and was hospitalized during her birthday week. Her breaking point was when she could not take the pain any longer. Lauren had a fever of 104.5 and unbearable abdomen pain. She had also contracted an infection in her bloodstream from developing a fistula from her vagina to her rectum. Luckily they we re able to do surgery to correct her fistula. She had a multitude of tests including: blood work, stool samples, CT scans, MRI, X-rays, a balloon test, endoscopy and countless colonoscopies. Lauren’s disease is located in her large intestines. Chron’s disease is not apart of Lauren’s family so she was clueless to what it was when she was diagnosed. It took about a month until they were completely certain that it was Crohn’s disease. Her iron was low and she was borderline anemic, had massive weight loss, and chronic pain in her abdomen. SheShow MoreRelatedThe Inflammatory Bowel Disorder Known As Crohn s Disease ( Cd )1291 Words   |  6 Pagesfundamental purpose of this paper is to apprise to the reader pivotal information on the inflammatory bowel disorder known as Crohn’s Disease (CD). It is a rare disease that is usually not wanted to be discussed by its sufferers, due to its sensitive nature of being a digestive problem. Luckily, as this paper will show, it is now an issue slowly, but surely, being explored more openly. A short introduction to the chronic disease will be divulged, pathophysiology and etiology will be discussed to prepare theRead MoreCrohnS Disease . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . By: Elizabeth1594 Words   |  7 Pages Crohn s Disease By: Elizabeth Nazginov 8G1 Due: April 5th 2017 Crohn s disease is one of two conditions referred to by the term Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The other condition that is referred to as an IBD is called Ulcerative Colitis. Both Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis are conditions that cause recurring or persistent inflammation in one or more sections of the intestine. The literal definition ofRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Crohn s Disease1421 Words   |  6 PagesCrohn s disease is a debilitating inflammatory bowel condition that has the potential to affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease due to its relapsing and remitting nature decreases a persons quality of life and can lead to complications such as abscesses and fistulae formation, which then require recurrent surgical interventions. The therapeutic endpoint in Crohns disease management is to induce and sustain remission, decrease complications, hospitalisations and surgeries. ThereforeRead MoreInflammatory Bowel Disease ( Ibd )1434 Words   |  6 Pages Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be defined as the chronic condition (it is persistent/ long-standing disease) resulting from inappropriate mucosal immune activation. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can start at any age. However, it is frequently seen among teenagers And also among young adults in their early twenties, both genders can be affected by this disease. There are two conditions that traditionally comprise inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Ulcerative colitis and crohns disease. ComparisonRead MoreCrohn s Disease And Its Effects On The Ileum And Colon1658 Words   |  7 Pages Crohn’s Disease David Layfield Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2402.23001 Prof. Glenn Kasparian Brookhaven College Farmers Branch, TX 3 May 2017 Table of Contents î ¿ ¿Abstract 2 History 3 Physiology 5 Treatment 6 Bibliography 9î ¿ ¾ Abstract Crohn’s disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease primarily affecting the ileum and colon. It was first defined in detail in a paper by Burrill B. Crohn and two colleagues, where it was differentiated from other generic bowel diseases. Although they proposedRead MoreLiving With Crohn s Disease1126 Words   |  5 PagesLiving with Crohn’s Disease Sharon is a 17 year old young women, her mother noticed that Sharon had lost a significant amount of weight, and she looked pale and had dark circles under her eyes. Sharon was complaining of severe diarrhea, stomach cramps, and after battling this for weeks she was extremely tired. Her doctor conducted a standard physical exam, and interviewed Sharon about her general health, diet, family history, and environment. Her doctor performed laboratory tests of blood and stoolRead MoreCrohn s Disease And The Inflammatory Process1108 Words   |  5 Pages Crohn’s Disease and the Inflammatory Process Crohn s disease is an inflammatory process in the intestines that is marked by abnormal inflammation of the GI tract. Crohn’s disease is treated with a variety of single or combined therapies that work at decreasing inflammatory process. Within this essay, I will discuss the etiology and pathophysiology of Crohn’s disease, the evidence- based- practice treatment of Crohn’s and how these medications work in reducing the inflammatory process. IRead MoreAlternative Medication for Crohns Disease1032 Words   |  4 PagesChrons disease, it is first important to outline just what exactly this condition is and how it aeffects the human body. Essentially, Crohns disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disorder or disease. Inflammatory bowel diseases are a group of disorders in which the intestines become inflamed (red and swollen), probably  as a result of  an immune reaction of the body  against its own intestinal tissue (Rowe, Shaikh 2012). As this definition largely implies, the exact cause of Crohns disease is notRead MoreThe Role Of Nutrition Therapy And Crohn s Disease938 Words   |  4 PagesNutrition Therapy and Crohn’s Disease The Role of Nutrition Therapy in Crohn’s Disease According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, Crohn’s disease (CD) may affect as many as 780,000 Americans1. The exact time of the onset of the disease is unknown, but it often starts between the age of 15 and 35 for both men and woman. Currently, the diagnosis, etiology, treatment, and cure of CD remain undefined. However, recent research suggests that hereditary, genetics, and/or environmentalRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Crohn S1008 Words   |  5 PagesVULVAR CROHN`S IN A PREPUBERTAL GIRL ON INFLIXIMAB Key words Vulvar Crohn`s. Crohn`s disease. Infliximab. Pre pubertal girls. Abstract Crohn`s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease. It often manifests as chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss and blood in the stool. It usually involves any part of the gastrointestinal tract and sometimes presents with extra intestinal manifestations like uveitis, dermatitis, arthritis and anemia. Extra intestinal findings like Vulvar lesions are less

Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Marxist Criticism on The Importance of Being Earnest

A Marxist Criticism on The Importance of Being Earnest Excuse me Geoffrey, could you get me some more water. Im terribly thirsty, and the weather out here isnt doing any good for my complexion. declares the man as he sighs in exhaustion. Right away sir, anything else? proclaims the servant. No that will be all. says the man as he waves off the servant. So is this the scene of yesteryears society or one of todays, well in actuality it can be either. In todays world the rich still rely on butlers and maids. It seems to be a practice that will always exist in this world, but the question largely is not on their jobs, but if they are deemed of a different class, and sadly to say yes. In todays world it seems that†¦show more content†¦With this character Wilde shows the reader that all nobles arent perfect and can be more flawed than the average person, and portrayed was the fact that the rich and noble sometimes seem to abuse that position and end up in a deeper hole than most others. Then there is his Aunt Augusta, who is a very powerful character. Aunt Augusta in her own rights is the dominant persona in the play. She holds the cards and plays them at her own discretion. Her character reveals to the audience that in nobility there isnt just the man who controls things, but in many cases it is the female. She takes over the role of leader and makes for an interesting view on the female aspect of nobility, but however there is another aspect to female nobility, and that is inherent in Gwendolyn. She possesses all the attributes of, plain and simply, a snob. She has the beauty, the upbringing and the turned up nose of a noble. She symbolizes a part of nobility that most people will not talk about, but however Wilde does talk and better yet he reveals all of the little quirks of the noble class. In Gwendolyn is the part of the class where, nobility has turned from respect and prestige and into vanity. She has abused the prestige she has and turned into a vain quest to be looked upon and desired. It seems that the Victorian class had little class in the nobles, butShow MoreRelatedGender and Class in Oscar Wildes Play1575 Words   |  6 PagesGender and Class in Oscar Wilde’s Play A Marxist critic uses an approach that treats literary texts as material products describing them in broadly historical terms. In Marxist criticism, the text is viewed in terms of its production and consumption, as a product of work that does identifiable cultural work of its own (Chaucer, 297). Gender, is in other words, a construct, an effect of language, culture and its institutions (Austen, 427). Many gender critics are interested in how a culture constructsRead MoreThe Importance Of Being Earnest1041 Words   |  5 PagesFeminist Perspective As seen in The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, men and women live in a society of inequality between the two sexes as conveyed through double standards. For instance, there is a double standard regarding men and women flirting as seen when Algernon says â€Å"She will place me next to Mary Farquhar, who always flirts with her own husband across the dinner-table. That is not very pleasant.† While women are shamed for talking to men whom they are married to, men such asRead MoreChicago School Of Social Ecology Theory1509 Words   |  7 Pagesaforementioned school such as Robert Park and Earnest Burgess propagated that Central Business District (CBD) impacts urban and downtown planning, urban renewal, urban expansions, housing projects, commercial activities, industrialization, community development and urban ecological system. 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Most of them, I have no doubt, are kind-hearted lawabiding men who would never dream of committing murder in private life. On the other hand, if one of them succeeds in blowing me to pieces with a well-placed bomb, he will never sleep any the worse forRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagesapparatus and the economic system. But much of the country was beginning to question in earnest the structure of colonial society by the early 1930s. The emergence of Rasta during that period corresponds with so much that was happening around the world. Rastas could tell that social unrest in Jamaica was going to lead to a movement away from colonial rule and, having heard Marcus Garvey speak of the importance of Africa to black people in the New World, found in his remarkable success as a leader

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Sir Jaso and the Giant Essay Example For Students

Sir Jaso and the Giant Essay Sir Jaso turned his head in the direction of the womans gaze and there before him stood the giant that he had heard so much about during the past few days. It stood almost 20 feet off the ground and carried a club bigger than Sir Jaso himself. The stench of rotting human corpses emanated from its disgusting body and insects of every sort imaginable crawled freely through its hair and under its skin. Sir Jaso stood motionless, stunned for a moment by the unbelievable hideousness of the creature. How could a God who created the beauty of things such as the forests and mountains also be responsible for creating such filth? thought Sir Jaso. He then put his hand on his sword and grasped it tightly. Was this giant more than he could handle? Would his pride and honor lead him to his death? If Merlin was right, and God was not on his side, how could he expect to win this fight? Sir Jasos stomach began to churn as all these thoughts flew through his mind and he clenched Caladbolg even tighter. The giant was carrying the bodies of twelve peasants on its back. The sight of the dead men and women the giant had so mercilessly killed enraged Sir Jaso. This beast would pay dearly for its crimes if he had anything to do with it. May great God in heaven, who rules the world, give you a short life and shameful death! Surely you are the foulest fiend that was ever formed! Guard yourself, you dog, and prepare to die, for this day my hands will kill you! exclaimed Sir Jaso. The giant answered Sir Jaso by raising its massive club and swinging it at him. Sir Jaso could feel a gust of wind blow against him as the tree-sized club whipped through the air towards him. He raised his shield with his head covered in an attempt to block the giants blow. This was the worst part of fighting for Sir Jaso, not being able to see what was happening, he would have to leave his fate up to God. The blow came quickly, completely jolting and stunning Sir Jaso and shattering his shield into sawdust, but at least he was still alive. If God was to forsake him, today was not the day He did so. Sir Jasos strength and confidence grew after he survived the first blow for he believed God would protect him tonight. As the giant bent down to grab him, Sir Jaso unsheathed Caladbolg and sliced open the giants forehead. Pools of blood drenched its head preventing it from being able to see. The giant, who had never experienced any serious opposition before, started to panic. In wild frenzy it grabbed at the ground and managed to scoop up Sir Jaso in its hands attempting to crush him, but in its state of panic, the giant was no match for Sir Auron who immediately unsheathed his mighty blade Masamune and, with a quick and mighty blow, cut the giants hand off! Peace to you my lord! the giant screamed. Who are you that fights so skillfully with me? Only Sir Jaso, the most noble of all kings and his guardians, could defeat me in combat! I am that Jaso of whom you speak, replied Sir Jaso, and these are my guardians, he said as he pointed to Sir Auron and the rest of the guardians. Not having any pity for the disgusting giant, Sir Tidus unsheathed the mighty Brotherhood, a beautiful blue sword, and began to attack the giant viciously. .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 , .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 .postImageUrl , .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 , .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0:hover , .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0:visited , .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0:active { border:0!important; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0:active , .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0 .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0abd992a5102ab0d1782812acf52bae0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: In every society, the elders are known to serve as EssaySir Kimahri then pulled out his Spirit Lance, a glowing golden spear and joined in on the attack. Each of the guardians was soon striking with quick and mighty blows. Just then, a powerful wave of fire rushed over the giant. The group turned around to find Lady Lulu holding her powerful black magic doll, the Onion Knight, preparing to cast another mighty fire spell upon the once mighty giant. Sir Wakka then pulled out his blitzball, the World Champion, and lugged it at the giants chest, knocking the wind out of the giant and severely limiting the giants ability to breathe. While all of this had been going on, Lady Rikku had been holding the giant and keeping it from moving with her mighty Godhand. The giant could only scream in agony as it was mutilated for it could not see and could not move and therefore could not defend itself. After the giant had been killed, Sir Jaso instructed Sir Auron to chop off its head. After the battle, Sir Jasos guardians, Sir Auron, Sir Tidus, Sir Wakka, Lady Yuna, Lady Lulu, Lady Rikku, and Sir Kimahri were knighted the Royal Knights of Sir Jaso and for the rest of their days they were always by his side.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Skechers advert Essay Example

Skechers advert Paper The Live advert takes up the whole page apart from the border at the bottom with the company name, Schwarzkopf on it. The effect of this is that they want the company name to stand out as well as the product and to be separate from the product.  The Skechers advert takes up the whole page, the effect of this is that they want the whole advert to stand out.  The Live advert is in colour. The advert needs to be in colour so then people would know what the product looks like. If this advert wasnt in colour then nobody would go out and buy it. The advert is in colour because its selling hair colour and the company needs to show us what the colour looks like. The Skechers advert is in colour so you can seethe different colour trainers, also adverts need to be in colour so it can stands out and catch your attention.  In both of the adverts they have shown us a picture of the product that they are selling so we can see what it looks like.  In the Live advert it has pictures of the packaging, so if you want to buy it you know what it looks like.  They havent shown the packaging in the Skechers advert, but the packaging would be a shoebox and you dont need a picture to show it.  The name of the first advert is Live this would imply that the hair colour would make your hair seem alive because it would be really shiny and glossy. We will write a custom essay sample on Skechers advert specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Skechers advert specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Skechers advert specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The name of the second advert is, Skechers USA this would imply that the company who makes these trainers are from the USA.  Both of the adverts I have chosen tell a story. The live adverts story is two girls in the cinema; one girl has dyed her hair red. There are two boys at the back who are looking at the girls.  The Skechers advert story is a group of friends having fun, smiling and enjoying them selves.  The story of each advert helps promote the product because you want to be like them. You want to be like the girl in the Live advert because the boys are attracted to her.  You want to be like the girl in the Skechers advert because she looks like she is having fun.  The relationship between the two girls in the Live advert is that they are friends. Also the two boys look like they are good friends.  The girl in the Live advert has really shiny hair, she is also wearing a shiny top to make her stand out from everybody else.  Everyone in the Skechers advert are wearing casual clothes, this would mean that the trainers would suit any type of clothes. All the people in Skechers advert seem to be richer, because they are all wearing expensive clothes and trainers.  The people in the Live advert dont seem to be that rich because hair dye is cheaper than trainers are and they are at the cinema, which isnt very expensive.  The characters in the adverts are the people the target audience wants to be like, because they look like they are enjoying them selves.  The Live advert has an advert shown on the television, but selling different hair colours as well as the one on this advert. There are a few adverts that Ive seen selling Skechers trainers, in one of them they have used celebrity endorsement, this means they pay a celebrity to advertise their product. In this case they have used Britney Spears.  I found the Live advert and the Skechers advert in a Bliss magazine.  Both of the adverts fit into this magazine because, they are trying to sell to teenagers so they put the advert in a magazine that teenagers read. Its no point putting the adverts into a gardening magazine because gardeners arent the target audience. The target audience for the Live advert is for teenage girls aged between fifteen and twenty-four.The target audience for the Skechers trainers is for teenage girls aged between thirteen and twenty-nine.  The Live advert is trying to sell us the product using attractive people and romance because the boys are attracted to the girls, so if you get this product then boys would be attracted to you.  In conclusion: I think that the Live advert is good because its got a lot of information in it.  The Skechers advert is good because they look like they are having fun and makes you buy it because you want to have fun. I would buy both of the adverts but if I had to chose one I would chose the Live advert because it persuaded me the most.  I didnt chose the Skechers advert because there are so many trainers on the market to chose from also I didnt think the advert pursued me the most.  I think both of the adverts would appeal to the target audience because it appealed to me, so if its good enough for me its good enough for anyone else.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Racial And Ethnic Relations. Essays - , Term Papers

Racial and Ethnic Relations. Jed Smart March 8, 1999 Racial and Ethnic Relations. Summary of Pages 65-74, A Nation of Immigrants: An Overview of the Economic and Political Conditions of Selected Racial and Ethnic Groups. The North American economic development has seen several stages of development. The first stage of economic development was a plantation-slave economy mixed with mercantilism, the second stage of development was a competitive industrial economy, and the stage third stage of economic development is multinational capitalism. Economic institution and related governmental actions have formed the tides of migration and the resulting patterns of immigrant adjustment. The original groups of inhabitants in North America were Native Americans. These Native people lost much of their land and many of their lives to the vicious European invasions. Many groups of immigrants came to America, yet each group had left their native country for various reasons and under various circumstances. Some immigrant groups entered America as slaves, others came to work at low paying labor jobs, and some came as entrepreneurs. These various groups were discriminated against at varying level, depending on the resources the group brought with them. Those immigrants who made the journey to America on their own freewill with economic resources found that it was much easier to find good jobs than those immigrants with less than such freewill and resources. Small business opportunities unfortunately were not available for most immigrants. The waves of immigrant migration to the North America are highlighted in phases. With phase one came English colonists from the 1600's to the 1800's. The English created colonies and forced land from the native people. The English also established a form of capitalism. During this same time Africans were seized from their native lands and were shipped to America involuntarily in the form of property, to be used as slave labor. Also, phase one brought an era in which Irish Catholics immigrated to America, driven from their native land from the 1830's to the 1860's, due to famine, oppression, and poor living conditions. These Irish immigrants were able to obtain low wage jobs. Phase two began with the immigration of Chinese people from the 1850's to the 1870's; these people came due to recruitment efforts by the United States and in hope of obtaining better living conditions. The Chinese became employed mostly in construction, and menial service jobs. The Italians arrived between the 1880's and the 1910's. The Italian people were recruited for construction and other related low wage labor jobs. The Japanese immigrants came to live in Western America after migrating from their land to Hawaii from the 1880's to the 1900's. The Japanese people had also been recruited as laborers. The third phase of immigration to the United States began with the Mexican people from the 1910's to the 1990's, due to labor shortages from Europe and Asia. The Puerto Rican people started arriving in the 1940's and continue to arrive into the 1990's. These people accessed labor jobs in farms and jobs in blue-collar occupations. Recent Asian and Caribbean groups started arriving in the 1960's to the 1990's, mostly as political refuges, and also for political reasons. Commercial capitalism and the slave society were the effect of the East Coast colonial expansion of English land. The early economy was derived of a combination of enterprises under English rule and independent entrepreneurs. Included in this system was Slave plantations. The goal of English colonial settlement was to secure raw goods and markets for English products. In England merchants invested in the colonial industries. Other people from Europe began to immigrate into the colonies with the hope of becoming small farmers. In the colonies there were two types of major production, small farms, and plantations and merchants. From the 1600's to the mid 1800's African people were used for slave labor in colonial plantations. Around the time of 1860 there were as many as 3.9 million slaves in the united States due to a strong demand for their labor. The Southerners in the United States had held nearly all political and economic power in the government until the end of the civil war, which granted the Northern Industrialists the majority of governmental power in the United States. In the Northern Industrial society and in small farms immigrants from Ireland, Germany and Scandinavia were among those in the labor force. These Europeans had been recruited from their countries, and they had also left for other reasons such as famine, political and economic problems and the hope of a better life. The immigration of Europeans laid the foundation of patterns of racial conflict. The

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Passion for Fashion Essay Essay Example

Passion for Fashion Essay Essay Example Passion for Fashion Essay Paper Passion for Fashion Essay Paper Fashion plays an of import function in the day-to-day life of every person. It starts with make up ones minding what to have on. how to have on it. and so forth. Imagine the universe without manner. Not a nice one is it? Every single owes esteem to those sub-rosa people who are responsible for doing the universe so stylish ; one in peculiar a manner seller. A calling as a Fashion Marketer is an interesting calling filled with nil but manner. escapade. and exhilaration. Bing a Manner Marketer is an tickle pinking yet non so elusive calling. It is a sellers occupation to advance manner. They want to bring forth the populaces involvement in new manners and merchandises. Manner selling involves advertisement. but it is more than that. Manner sellers have to be on the film editing border backing the right things at the right clip. They connect the populace with the universe of manner. and they help put tendencies ( Stone 4 ) . To work in this field an person will hold to hold the assured features neededA individuals occupation should reflect their personality and expose the individuals features. In the manner industry there are many personalities. many of them being narcissistic 1s. Enthusiasm. flexibleness. and a positive attitude are indispensable features necessary to happen success in the retail industry. ( Retail Marketing Careers. ) A individual can besides use his or her basic accomplishments such as computing machine literacy. working good with people and a strong work moral principle to the tabular array when using for a calling in Fashion Marketing. Generally light travel is required to work in marketing retail. Stress and a small committedness and overtime are involved. nevertheless. nil to extreme. This allows workers to pass more clip with their households. On a day-to-day footing a individual may come across an person who is chesty and discourteous. but this can go on at any occupation. Those working in retail besides have more clip to go involved in the community. It is non simple and non excessively complex going a Fashion Marketer or working in the selling field every bit long as it fits with the persons personality. Of class. everyone knows nowadays a high school sheepskin means nil any longer. College grades. preparation or any enfranchisement subsequent to high school is compulsory for success. To go a manner seller one would necessitate to major in Fashion Merchandising or Marketing and minor in concern Fieldss such as accounting. concern disposal. or selling merely to develop the concern facet of the Fashion Merchandising field. An single can have an Associates grade. Bachelors degree or Masters depending on the person. Schools offering the Fashion Merchandising plan are preponderantly in New York and California ; nevertheless. local community colleges and universities should non be overlooked. Other universities known to offer the plan are University of MD Eastern Shore ; Morgan State University ; F. I. T. ( Fashion Institute of Technology ) ; and AIP ( Art Institute of Philadelphia ) . Some classs required to accomplish in this field are accounting. concern jurisprudence. psychological science. selling. advertisement and promoting. and entrepreneurship. and Intro to manner ( Stone 6-8 ) . Although holding a grade is non a bare necessity to acquire into the manner industry. it helps to hold one so chances will ever be available. Having a grade will besides better 1s salaryA manner sellers salary scopes on experience and cognition. More frequently it is how much experience a individual has instead than his or her cognition. Wages for novices start every bit low as $ 15. 000-29. 000 a twelvemonth depending on the business ( Retail ) . As 1s experience or cognition additions so do the rewards. At an intermediate degree the salary starts anyplace from $ 33. 873-76. 450 a twelvemonth. At the executive or advanced degree wages range from $ 84. 923-119. 140 a twelvemonth. Location is the cardinal when make up ones minding on what business fits 1s standards because the loca tion besides determines 1s salary ( Advertising ) . The mentality on callings in manner selling and any calling in manner overall is expected to turn more easy than norm through 2014 ( Retail ) . Sluggish occupation growing may be due to the new prominence of price reduction shops. super centres and warehouse shops. offering bargain-priced vesture without the frills and fancy shop shows of high-end section shops. The Internet may besides cut into gross revenues. However. even with unenrgetic occupation growing. basic retailing occupations should still be comparatively easy to happen. merely because this is a really big field with a high turnover rate ( Retail ) . And top degree selling occupations will be highly competitory no affair how fast the concern is turning. It is truly all about location. Know what works and make non allow wages find your calling. Travel with what suits your personality best. Plants Cited â€Å"Advertising. Selling. Promotions. Public Relations. and Gross saless Directors. † hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bls. gov. 04 Aug. 2006. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U. S. Department of Labor. 22 Aug. 2007. â€Å"Retail Selling Careers. † World Wide Web. Careeroverview. Com. 24 Apr. 2007. Stone. Elaine. The Dynamics of Fashion. 2nd Ed. New York: Fairchild Publications Inc. . 2004. 04-10.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project Management Philosophy Application Paper Essay

Project Management Philosophy Application Paper - Essay Example The purpose of the project was the redesign of a sample of the department website for the college. Teamwork was evident in the project with all the members completing their assigned duties within the time allocated and effectively providing required feedback. Having set objectives clearly defined and made known to all the members is the other principle of project management we applied for the success of the project. All the team members were made aware of the need to complete the website redesign within the allocated time and ensure the functionality of the website and satisfaction to the users of the project. Achieving quality was the main aim of the project. The other principle we used in the project was the understanding of the constraints that would limit the ability to meet the objectives and delivering the project. The constraints we identified included time, resources, and project scope, and we aimed at meeting the needs of the project within the time, resources, and scope req uired of us (Nicholas, 2004). Maximizing stakeholder return on investment is the other project management principle applied in the research and entailed the ensuring quality redesign and high satisfaction of the website users. To achieve the requirement for maximum stakeholder ROI, we took professional pictures, got in touch with the client for feedback and changes as required in agile methodology for constant client involvement, and received waiver for the use of the picture on the website. Rapid feedback from the client and the team members was also applied in the management of the project ensuring high client satisfaction and completion of the project within the allocated time Attention to the development of quality work was also evident in the redesign of the website through the use of professional photographer and ensuring the redesign was top notch as evidenced by the complete

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hebrew Bible Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hebrew Bible - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the chapters 5 to 12 of the Hebrew Bible are mainly concerned with the record of miraculous happenings that result because of the pharaoh time and again not keeping his promise to Moses to grant them the freedom to pray to Jehovah in the wilderness. It is his pride and unbelief that leads to the occurrence of the ten plagues that visit the Egyptians one after the other and culminate in the death of the firstborn among the Egyptians but still the pharaoh is unrepentant and according to Jehovah is destined to the destruction of his people and himself. His wise men and sorcerers enact the miracles that are performed by Moses but even they are fully convinced that they are not dealing with some odd magician, but instead some supernatural power at work on behalf of Moses. They are convinced that the power or force that backs Moses is beyond them, and they stand no chance but the pharaoh’s heart and mind by the know ledge of the Lord God are hardened against the truth and the righteous. Faith, especially in the Hebraic and the Islamic tradition, is pure and simple blind belief in Jehovah and Allah, so either you possess it or you do not there are no two opinions about it. But for the sake of the unbeliever Jehovah manifests himself through the miracles to open up the eyes of the unbeliever but all to no avail as far as the pharaoh is concerned. The Twelfth chapter is concerned about the feast of Passover and how to avoid the wrath of Jehovah. Historical Background: It has been a topic of heated debate that the account of Bible is historically accurate. This is the traditional view. The opposing view is that the text is not historically correct, not because Bible is a holy book but exactly for that fact because Bible is a religious testament, concerned more with leading the men to good and righteousness and abstain from evil. The historical background is that for four hundred and thirty years th e Israelites were oppressed and kept in utter bondage. The miraculous events that take place, though cannot be verified what can be easily sifted through the annals of another historical record that have been recovered, discovered and unearthed by the researchers. A very important testament, that verifies the miraculous happenings recorded in the Hebrew Bible, of an age and time, specifically of Exodus is (revealed word of Allah), that is the Holy Quran. The story narrated in the Hebrew Bible and the Holy Quran agrees most of the important instances. The whole Surah Al-Baqarah (this title literary translated into English as â€Å"The Cow†), the longest chapter of the â€Å"Holy Quran†, accurately records the history and the travails of â€Å"Bani-Israel† (the Israelites) including the events mentioned in Exodus. It is mentioned on many occasions in the Holy Quran that the Israelites are the most beloved people of Lord God or more accurately Allah. According to à ¢â‚¬Å"Historiography and Self-definition: Josephus, Luke-Acts and Apologetic Historiography†, an authoritative book on the Exodus considers and proves it as â€Å"general history† as opposed to a monograph or antiquarian history.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Analyzing the integral role sentencing plays in the criminal justice Essay

Analyzing the integral role sentencing plays in the criminal justice process and its effects on society - Essay Example The purpose of sentencing is enclosed in a wide array of basic philosophies. Some people believe in the old adage â€Å"you do the crime, you do the time.† Others believe that sentencing the offender will prove society’s attitude on justice. However, the basic principles surrounding the role of sentencing are rehabilitation, deterrence, retribution, and incapacitation. Rehabilitation is a way wherein a convicted person is given another chance to start anew after being assessed and educated. He or she is allowed the possibility of going back to society with hopes that the person can live by the laws and start life all over. All of society believes in rehabilitation as one principle of sentencing. Belief of deterrence is another principle of sentencing. It is believed that society can prevent people from committing crimes more than once if a standard for sentencing different crimes is created. Retribution, on the other hand, is a principle that assumes that convicted indi viduals should be given the warranted punishment because they deliberately committed similar crimes repeatedly. On a personal note, retribution is a way of getting even with the criminal. Lastly, incapacitation is a principle based on the belief that isolating a criminal from society will help bring about reformation. Every particular sentencing is limited by the beliefs and influence of the society regarding the principles behind the sentencing standards. For any sentencing judge, forming a sentencing verdict could be the hardest and most complex duty, since the judge is responsible for Criminal Justice 3 delivering the minimum up to the maximum sentence. In criminal proceedings, defendants who arrive at the sentencing part are those who have not yet escaped or finished the correctional filter. Either the jury or bench trial found them guilty, or they have pleaded guilty of a crime. The court then decides what to do with these offenders. Factors of sentencing that determines the ap propriate sentence for every crime have all undergone careful scrutiny. State level legislatures compile penal codes within the standards set by the legislation of the United States. These legislatures allow the creation of punitive limitations by enacting that all crimes are taken into consideration. Sentencing judges utilize the state laws in creating verdicts for every criminal offense. A sentencing judge has a set of guiding principles within the confines of his or her jurisdiction in handing down sentences on a case-to-case basis. Any sentence delivered by the sentencing judge should be within the standard punishments for the particular crime. Additionally, there is a limiting factor which sets the flexibility of a judge’s sentencing terms. This limiting factor is called determinate. Determinate is the workings of legislation where a standard is set by the body of government regarding bargaining. For instance, capital punishment involves only either life sentence or deat h sentence. The process of sentencing involves three stages, namely legislation, judicial, and administrative phases. Determining the minimum and maximum disciplinary sentences for crimes is done during the legislation stage. Reviewing and providing a final verdict within the set standards of the law are done during the judicial stage. Finally, overseeing the length of time the offender serves time is done during the administrative stage. Criminal Justice 4 In the United

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination This essay will discuss my experience of having undertaken the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) where I was asked to write and carry out particular clinical skills testing my competence and knowledge. I will use a reflective model to discuss my experience of having undertaken the OSCE and my thoughts about the feedback I received. The reflective model I have chosen to use is Gibbs model (Gibbs 1988). Gibbs model of reflection includes: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan (Gibbs 1988). The model will be applied to the essay to help me access what happened, make sense of it, and learn through my own experience by relating theory to practice and backing it up with evidence. The clinical skill of which I was tested on within the OSCE I have chosen to reflect on within this essay is the mechanism of labour. I have chosen this because midwives use the theory of the mechanism of labour to assess progress during labour, and to explain events during labour. Understanding the mechanism of labour has direct implications for midwifery practice (, 2001), so therefore is very important for me to understand and implement in my own practice. The first stage of Gibbs (1988) model of reflection requires a description of events. I was given a scenario which stated that I was looking after a patient called Jane who had been admitted to labour ward in labour. I was asked to demonstrate the mechanism of labour with the doll and pelvis provided and asked to describe my actions and speak clearly while carrying out the process. Once I had read the scenario I grabbed the doll and pelvis and sat down on the chair provided and placed the dolls head in the pelvis in the transverse position. Then stated that fetal axis pressure and cervical dilatation increases causing the fetus to enter the pelvic cavity and head rotates 1/8 of a circle to lie in the oblique of the pelvis putting the doll in a right occipitoposterior position. With maternal effort in the second stage the baby descends along the curve of carus and is born by extension. When the head is born it restitutes to be in line with the shoulders. The dolls head was born face t o symphisis pubis. Then the shoulders descend and turn with the next contraction to lie in the anterior posterior diameter of the outlet. The head rotates externally and with this there is internal rotation of the shoulders. The baby is then delivered by lateral flexion with the next contraction. Once I had completed my explanation, I was given a second attempt to go through it again. So I did and unknowingly corrected a few mistakes I had made. I am now going to enter into the second stage of Gibbs (1988) model of reflection, which is a discussion about my thoughts and feelings. Even though this assessment was formative, I was aware that it would show my lecturers as well as myself the level of my competence I had in understanding the mechanism of labour. I knew I would find explaining the mechanism of labour difficult as it contains a lot of information which needs to be explained in an orderly way. I was being examined by Swi Ong a senior lecturer at Middlesex University who is also my link lecturer at chase farm hospital. Being watched made me feel very nervous and under pressure to get it correct. Once I finished my explanation, I was asked to have a second attempt, my first thought was to focus my thoughts as I could hear myself muddle my explanations of events on my first run. After my second attempt I was pleased with myself as I focussed more and corrected some mistakes I had made in my initial attempt. Once I had c ompleted this section of the OSCE, I was not down hearted about my performance but took it as a learning experience which would help me access my own ability and help show areas which I need to improve on. Evaluation is the third stage of Gibbs (1988) model of reflection and requires the reflector to state what was good and bad about the event. Once I had received my feedback from I was aware that research by Workman (1999) suggests that the use of skin cleansing wipes is inconsistent and not necessary in IM injections if the patient appears to be physically clean and an aseptic technique is adopted, along with stringent hand washing by the nurse. It has also been noted that the use of cleansing with an alcohol wipe can cause skin hardening (Mallet Dougherty 2000). The trust policy was to follow guidelines published by the Royal Marsden Hospital (Mallet Dougherty 2000). The Royal Marsden (Mallet Dougherty 2000) advocate the use of skin cleansing wipes, however it is stated within their guidelines that they adopt this because their patients are often immunocompromised, and give evidence of previous studies which indicate that skin cleansing is not normally necessary. Therefore my practice was within the trust protocol. This experience made me think about my attitude towards literature and how it is applied in practice. Burnard (2002) suggests that a learner is a passive recipient of received knowledge, and that learning through activity engages all of our senses. The site used in the IM injection was the gluteus maximus, this the most commonly used site for the administration of IM injections (Greenway 2004, Workman 1999). The gluteus maximus area is both thick and fleshy with a good blood supply (Watson 2000). It is located in the hip area and forms the buttock (Watson 2000). It has been noted by Watson (2000) that the gluteus maximus is near the sciatic nerve and Greenway (2004) suggests that this presents a risk of threat of injury in the administration of IM injections. When I administered the IM injection to the patient, I injected into the gluteus maximus muscle, as the evidence stipulates this is best practice. Stage four of Gibbs (1988) is an analysis of the event, where Gibbs encourages the reflector to make sense of the situation. I will do this by exploring the skill and looking at the evidence underpinning it. An IM injection is the administration of medication into the muscle; there are many reasons why drugs are given via the IM route (Workman 1999). These include a rapid absorption rate, the conscious state of the patient, and the drug effect being altered by ingestion (Mallet Dougherty 2000, Workman 1999). Workman (1999) suggests there are four considerations in giving an injection, the site of injection, the technique, the equipment and the route. On my clinical placement, an orthopaedic outpatient centre, IM injections were administered on an almost daily basis. However Hemsworth (2000) comments that IM injections are rarely used in certain specialities and suggests that, in this case, nurses current practice in IM injections may not be up to date with recent research findings. Through evaluation of the event in question I have become more aware of different practices concerning the use of alcohol wipes in skin cleansing. I am aware that both practices have been researched, but as I develop professionally I am developing my own skills and will not cleanse the skin in future unless the trust policy dictates so or the patient requests me to do so. There is no clear evidence in this area but I will use the literature which is available to justify my actions, and therefore give evidence based care. The reason my mentor suggested using the alcohol wipe could be that she has been qualified for a long time, and practices have changed. In this scenario I have learnt from experience and through experience (Burnard 2002). Following this incident in practice I will now be more prepared to challenge the views of others in relation to my clinical practice. In conclusion, stage five of the Gibbs (1988) model, I am aware that all nurses do not use evidence in the same way and may use different methods but as long as my practice is safe and evidence based then I can practice safely. My future practice will depend on the area in which I am working and I aim to find out the trust protocol concerning clinical procedures before I commence any procedure Within my action plan my aim is to research further into the theory of using alcohol wipes in the administration of IM injections. I am also planning to have a discussion with the qualified nurses on the subject of skin cleansing. In conclusion my reflection skills have developed through the production of this essay. Using a model of reflection has helped me to structure my thoughts and feelings appropriately. My level of awareness concerning evidence based practice, and its importance, has been enhanced with the use of critical reflection. My competence, within this clinical skill, has been further developed and I now feel that my personal and professional development is progressing. Using this reflective model has helped me to realise that my learning is something which I must be proactive in. Furthermore as a student nurse I have recognised that reflection is an important learning tool in practice. Description; Feelings; Evaluation; Analysis; Conclusion; Action Plan

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Food production Essay

There are staggering numbers of people all over the world who experience hunger. Many people believe that hunger is caused by the insufficient supply of food. More importantly, it is assumed that due to the large population of the world, an inadequate amount of food is produced. However, this is a completely false assumption for as Robbins said, â€Å"There is enough food in the world to feed 120 percent of the world’s population on a vegetarian diet. † (Robbins, p. 178) This fact then brings about the question, if there is enough food, then why do so many people go hungry? The answer lies in the economics of food production. Food is now a capitalist commodity. Therefore, the production of food must be seen as the production of any other market commodity. Food production is not driven by global need, it is driven by market demand. As Robbins mentioned, â€Å"Food production is not determined necessarily by the global need for food; it is determined by the market for food. † (Robbins, p. 186) Looking at food production from this perspective will reveal the factors that affect the production of food. The market for food refers to the number of people that have the means to buy and pay for food. However, since a large segment of the population lives in poverty, there are very few people who can afford food. Since it is demand that determines the amount of food to be produced, the lower demand translates to lesser food production. Producers do not want to produce at a maximum level because it will mean an over-production. This will result to lower prices and ultimately lower productivity. Another factor that affects food production is the fact that farmers tend to use land to produce non food crops such as tobacco and corn as well as for crops that are marginally nutritious. (Robbins, p 186) The choice of what crops to plant relies on what the market demands. For instance, farmers tend to prioritize planting coffee for there is a large global demand for this. Coffee produced in agricultural countries in Africa is not necessarily for local consumption; it is produced because the more affluent nations demand it. Farmers consider the profitability of producing certain crops and coffee production is considered to be more profitable than vegetable production. Another example is soy bean. Soy bean is not as nutritious as vegetables. However, since there is a market for this crop in the more developed countries, farmers tend to plant this rather than vegetables. A more concrete and evident example of how market demand drives food production is the production of beef. Robbins discussed why Mexican farmers tend to concentrate on beef production. â€Å"People in Mexico go hungry because land is devoted to the production of beef, which few Mexicans can afford, but which brings high prices in the United States. † (Robbins, p. 186) The rationale behind this is that food production is driven by the demands of the markets that have the money to buy food. There is no question that there is enough food to feed the world. Hunger cannot be attributed to the inadequate amount of food. Hunger is a result of an economic problem. Lack of food on the plate is a result of the lack of money to buy food. Food production is no longer determined by the need for it by everyone. It is driven by what people who have the means to buy food demand and want. Food has become a commodity rather than a necessity. The solution of the problem of hunger lies not in production but in distribution. As Robbins (p. 187) said, â€Å"Rather than seeing hunger or famine as a failure of production, we can focus on a failure of distribution†¦ The goal is simply to establish, reestablish, or protect entitlements, the legitimate claim to food. † Reference: Robbins, R. (2007). Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. pp 177-187.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hrm: Job Involvement & Its Dimensions

JOB INVOLVEMENT Job involvement can be defined as â€Å"psychological identification with one's work† as well as â€Å"the degree to which the job situation is central to the employee and his or her identity†. As employees with a high degree of job involvement are more likely to regard work as the center of their self-concepts (Frone & Russell, 1995), they are also more likely to increase their self-respect through successful job performance (Burke, 1991) and display of organizational beneficial behaviors (Diefendorff, Brown, Kamin, & Lord, 2002). Brown (1996) opined that employees with high job involvement would have greater psychological identification with their work, which in turn would increase job satisfaction. Mowday, Porter, and Steers (1982) also pointed out that employees' psychological needs are gradually satisfied as the employees become involved with their jobs and that this satisfaction establishes a sense of organizational commitment. Researchers have revealed that employees with a high degree of job satisfaction or organizational commitment display a higher degree of Organizational Commitment Behavior (OCB) (Podsakoff et al. 2000). These studies suggest that job involvement has a positive influence on OCB. Task variety might mitigate employees' involvement in their jobs, which in turn would have a negative effect on their display of OCB. Factors affecting job involvement: 1. Job involvement and empowerment: Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave, take action and con trol work and decision making in autonomous ways. Empowering the employees means providing them with higher level tasks, responsibility and decision making in the performance of their job. According to Wilkinson et al. (1998) and Karia and Asaari (2006), empowerment is a dominant HRM/TQM practice; there was a strong association with job involvement. 2. Job involvement and teamwork Teamwork is defined as a joint action by a group of people, in which each person subordinates his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group. Over the years, HRM/TQM policies have come to recognize and emphasize the importance of teamwork to facilitate employees' ability to work together to get a job done (Morrow, 1997; Karia & Ahmad, 2000). A study by Osland (1997) found that working together with a production unit leads to better employee attitudes. 3. Job involvement and Communication Communication is an important factor in organizations, for connecting employees and permitting organizations to function, as well as an essential element to the implementation of HRM/TQM (Gray & Laidlaw, 2002). When communication is open and continuous in three directions, (up, down and across) work processes and performance increases. This in turn increases employees' job involvement. 4. Job involvement and employee participation A study conducted by Karia and Ahmad (2000) found that employee participation, predicts significantly towards job involvement. In some other surveys though, results indicate that lack of participation would not be able to improve employees' personal abilities and capabilities, help them change certain aspects of personal traits and increase their self-respect. 5. Job involvement and leadership There is a weak relationship between leadership and employees' job involvement. The lack of top management commitment from any particular group within these organizations can be a serious barrier in the management of quality and it is one of the reasons for the failure of HRM/TQM efforts on job involvement amongst employees (Wilkinson et al. 1998). A study by De Hoogh et al. (2005), which found that leadership has a positive influence on employee outcomes. 6. Job involvement and Training and Development It is important that management understand these activities tend to require long-term commitment, as results are not immediately realized. Therefore, the training department must provide continuous training and development in ensuring the success of HRM/TQM practices in contributing improvement in job involvement. The findings of Karia and Ahmad (2000) regarding training and development, states that employees' can generate innovative ideas for solving problems; and it helps employees' in their personal involvement. Impact of Job Involvement Cohen's (1999) research supported the important status of job involvement as an antecedent to organizational commitment. Specifically, Cohen argued that those individuals with high levels of job involvement, which stem from positive experiences on-the-job (Kanungo, 1979; Witt, 1993), make attributions for these experiences to the organization. Thus, having previously received benefits from the organization and being obligated by the norm of reciprocity (Gouldner, 1960) to repay them, high job involvement employees feel compelled to reciprocate in some form. Cohen (1999, p. 292) asserted that â€Å"to the extent that positive experiences are attributed to the efforts of organizational officials, these are reciprocated with increased affective organizational commitment to the persons who caused them†. This increased affective commitment (i. e. where employees adopt the company's goals as their own and, therefore, desire to remain with the organization to help it achieve its goals (Meyer & Allen, 1984; Mowday et al. 1979) later is found to reduce turnover intentions, absence behaviour, and/or turnover (Cohen, 2000; Hackett et al. 2001), as well as increase job performance (Carmeli and Freund, 2001). Given the fact that job involvement is thought to be an important determinant of effort and motivation, and other job attitudes have been shown to positively relate to OCBs (Van Scotter, 2000), it is anticipated that those high in job involvement will engage in more OCBs. Theory suggests that these gender differences may be more evident for OCB-Is (i. . , behaviors directed toward others, such as helping), than for the less communal OCB-Os (i. e. , behaviors directed toward the organization). Regardless of a person's sex, it may be expected that an individual high in job involvement will feel compelled to engage in OCB-Os, such as staying late, attending non-mandatory meetings, and not taking extra breaks. Alternatively, OCB-Is may be exhibited at different levels for highly involved women and highly involved men. Specifically, women who are deeply involved in their work may feel more obliged to help others than equally involved men, because women may internalize the belief that they should act communally and help others. Thus, highly involved women may engage in more OCB-Is (operationalized as altruism, courtesy, and possibly sportsmanship) than highly involved men, suggesting that sex will moderate the relationship between job involvement and OCB-Is. In terms of the specific OCB dimensions, the Civic Virtue dimension is most closely related to job involvement. Conceptually this finding makes sense given that Civic Virtue is defined as the level of involvement a person has in the political life of the organization. The fact that both the OCB-O dimensions (Conscientiousness and Civic Virtue) and in-role performance were predicted by job involvement regardless of sex, lends credence to the idea that exhibiting behaviors such as staying late, attending meetings, and completing task duties are performed at the same level for involved men and women. These dimensions represent behaviors that can be thought of as facilitating task performance and enhancing the environment surrounding one's focal tasks. Job Satisfaction and job involvement Job involvement (Employee engagement, or Work engagement), is a concept that is generally viewed as managing discretionary effort, that is, when employees have choices, they will act in a way that furthers their organization's interests. An engaged employee is a person who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about, his or her work. Several Studies have shown that there exists a direct relationship between Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction. Past research on voluntary turnover has produced very extensive and sophisticated models; however, a recent and more parsimonious model of turnover utilizes only two employee work attitudes to predict turnover propensity. These two attitudes are job involvement and organizational commitment. The premise discussed here is that job involvement and organizational commitment interact jointly to affect turnover. For example, the job employees do helps them meet their intrinsic needs, such as satisfactorily performing a challenging job, which, in turn, increases their sense of competence. This leads to increasing employees' job involvement attitude. Likewise, the organization helps employees meet their social and other extrinsic reward needs, such as pay, fringe benefits and promotions. This leads to increasing employees' organizational commitment attitude.

Friday, November 8, 2019


INTRODUCTION â€Å"Global computer-based communications cut across territorial borders, creating a new realm of human activity and undermining the feasibility- and legitimacy- of applying laws based on geographic boundaries.† (Post and Johnson 1996) The Internet is a relatively new phenomenon and this â€Å"cyberspace† is causing problems for regulatory systems. The Internet is a world that is very difficult to govern and it is because of this that criminals are discovering the net as a place to conduct illegal activity. It is the government’s goal to understand the reasons for the difficulty for enforcement on the Internet and to come up with adequate solutions. WHAT IS FRAUD? Computer Abuse is roughly defined as, â€Å" Any incident associated with computer technology in which a victim suffered or could have suffered loss and a perpetrator by intention made or could have made gain.† (Parker 12) Although computers are a fairly recent development in regards to home use there has been a surge of them for entertainment in the last two decades. The growing awareness of the computer and the Internet has produced individuals with the knowledge to accomplish high tech computer crimes. Internet crime is not only an issue of the present. It has been recorded as early as 1950. Crime on the Net is expanding. There is now a wide range of crimes that occur in cyberspace. There is fraud-involving embezzlement, selling of faulty shares and organized crime has even gone electronic. [1] The mob has been using the Internet for such things as gambling. It provides an easy and fast way to exchange information across a vast amount of space.[2] The Int ernet! provides a unique environment, in which unauthorized activities can occur. An example of a scam occurred on a chat room dedicated to finance. Someone logged on under a code name and listed supposedly hot Internet stocks on the market. This user was particular... Free Essays on INTERNET CRIME Free Essays on INTERNET CRIME INTRODUCTION â€Å"Global computer-based communications cut across territorial borders, creating a new realm of human activity and undermining the feasibility- and legitimacy- of applying laws based on geographic boundaries.† (Post and Johnson 1996) The Internet is a relatively new phenomenon and this â€Å"cyberspace† is causing problems for regulatory systems. The Internet is a world that is very difficult to govern and it is because of this that criminals are discovering the net as a place to conduct illegal activity. It is the government’s goal to understand the reasons for the difficulty for enforcement on the Internet and to come up with adequate solutions. WHAT IS FRAUD? Computer Abuse is roughly defined as, â€Å" Any incident associated with computer technology in which a victim suffered or could have suffered loss and a perpetrator by intention made or could have made gain.† (Parker 12) Although computers are a fairly recent development in regards to home use there has been a surge of them for entertainment in the last two decades. The growing awareness of the computer and the Internet has produced individuals with the knowledge to accomplish high tech computer crimes. Internet crime is not only an issue of the present. It has been recorded as early as 1950. Crime on the Net is expanding. There is now a wide range of crimes that occur in cyberspace. There is fraud-involving embezzlement, selling of faulty shares and organized crime has even gone electronic. [1] The mob has been using the Internet for such things as gambling. It provides an easy and fast way to exchange information across a vast amount of space.[2] The Int ernet! provides a unique environment, in which unauthorized activities can occur. An example of a scam occurred on a chat room dedicated to finance. Someone logged on under a code name and listed supposedly hot Internet stocks on the market. This user was particular...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

We are trying to find out what insulator is the best from cotton wool, bubble wrap and plastic foam Essays

We are trying to find out what insulator is the best from cotton wool, bubble wrap and plastic foam Essays We are trying to find out what insulator is the best from cotton wool, bubble wrap and plastic foam Paper We are trying to find out what insulator is the best from cotton wool, bubble wrap and plastic foam Paper Essay Topic: Sula Plan: The factor I will be changing is the type of insulator. The factor I will be recording is the temperature of the water in degrees for a total of six minutes. To record the temperature I will use a thermometer. The factors I will keep the same so it is a fair test are: Starting temperature of the boiling water Same amount / volume of water Measuring the temperature at the same interval Covering the same amount of surface area, length and width for each insulator. I intend to wrap three testubes with the chosen insulators, but leave the last one plain for control. Cotton wool Bubble wrapping Plastic foam I have also chosen to do a control experiment without insulation to see if there is a great difference in the heat loss if the container has insulation. I will then boil some water and when it is boiled I will carefully pour it into a measuring cylinder up the chosen volume (20cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½). I will pour it into the containers and allow it to cool to the chosen starting temperature. Once it reaches the chosen starting temperature then I will start the stop clock and record the temperature at chosen intervals. I will repeat this procedure for the next two containers. I will then repeat the whole experiment one more time to be sure that my results that I will obtain are reliable and reproducible. Equipment: I will be using the following equipment: Boiling tube Measuring cylinder Test-tube rack Thermometer Cotton wool Bubble wrap Plastic foam Sellotape Stopwatch Rubber band Prediction and hypothesis: Out of the four materials that I have been given to investigate I think that cotton wool will be the best insulator because of the heat loss. I am saying this because inside cotton wool there are many small pockets of trapped air, and air is a very good insulator in small pockets. This helps prevent convection because air is trapped into the small pockets. The next best insulator I think is the best is bubble wrap. I think that bubble wrap is the next best insulator because bubble wrap have bubbles, which is trapped of air. Therefore, conduction or radiation cannot take place. This can not take place because air is trapped into the pockets. The next insulator I think will be good is plastic foam. This is because plastic foam is made from sponge and it has many pores. Heat is prevented from being lost is that it has little holes which then can trap air. However, little conduction and radiation can still take place. I base my prediction on the following Scientific Background: All metals are good conductors and most non- metals are good insulators. The best insulators are insulators that trap air if the air cant move then it cant move then it cant transfer the heat energy by convection and a bad conductor. Things like blankets. String vests, loft insulation, polystyrene and foam are all good insulators. The more surface area there is on the boiling tube the more of the hot water will be in contact with the air and so the quicker it will cool. Insulation such as cotton wool and bubble wrap traps air that is a bad conductor this means that heat is trapped and the test tube stays hot. Conduction: Conduction is when energy is passed directly from one item to another. If you stirred a pan of soup on the stove with a metal spoon, the spoon will heat up. The heat is being conducted from the hot area of the soup to the colder area of the spoon. Metals are excellent conductors of heat energy. Other things like wood or plastics are not good conductors of heat energy. These bad conductors are called insulators. Thats why a pan is usually made of metal and the handle is made of a strong plastic. Convection: Convection is the movement of gases or liquids from a cooler spot to a warmer spot. If the soup pan above was made of glass, we could see the movement of convection currents in the pan. The warmer soup moves up from the heated area at the bottom of the pan to the top where it is cooler. The cooler soup then moves to take the warmer soups place. The movement is in a circular pattern within the pan (see picture above). Convection currents often cause wind. During the daytime, cool air from over water moves to replace the warm air over land that rises. During the nighttime, the directions changes and the water are warmer and the land is cooler. Radiation: Radiation is the final form of movement of heat energy. The suns light and heat cannot reach us by conduction or convention because space is almost completely empty. There is nothing to transfer the energy from the sun to the earth. The suns rays travel in straight lines called heat rays. When it moves like that, it is called radiation. When the sunlight hits the earth, its radiation is absorbed or reflected. Darker surfaces absorb more of the radiation and lighter surfaces reflect the radiation. So, if you wear light or white clothes outside during the summer, you would be cooler. The below diagram relates to my prediction because I am not investigating colour or day or night. I think that cotton wool would be the best insulator because cotton wool has little pockets, which can trap air into the pockets and air, wouldnt be released because air is a very good insulator. The next insulator I think is going to be the best is bubble wrap. I think this is going to be the next best because it has little bubbles, which can trap air, so no conduction radiation or convection can take place. So therefore, no air can be released. The next insulator is plastic foam. I think that this is a good insulator because it has many pores that can trap air. In addition, air is a very good insulator. Therefore, no conduction convection or radiation can take place.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Is market efficient testing of Hong Kong stock market Essay

Is market efficient testing of Hong Kong stock market - Essay Example Several tests could be used to test for market efficiency. The most common tests are for market anomalies such as the January, Day-of-the-Week, and Size Effects. Another is to prove that any of the assumptions of EMH is not true; for example, that there is a way of predicting stock prices so that those who are able to do so can earn above normal market returns. Practitioners of finance and economics who have studied stock market behaviour have proposed several hypotheses, one of which is the so-called Overreaction Hypothesis (ORH). ORH originated from the field of applied psychology and is a statement of behavioural prediction that people tend to overreact to dramatic news and events, regardless of whether these events are positive or negative. On the other side and related to this hypothesis is its opposite: underreaction, a phenomenon that can also be considered. ORH provides a way of making decisions to buy and sell stocks, because if it is true, then some investors can earn above market returns by buying underperforming stocks and selling overperforming stocks, taking advantage of over- or under-reaction of other investors. The Hongkong economy has been identified as the one with the freest and, in the absence of artificial market barriers that cause inefficiency, therefore the most efficient financial markets, as it was given the highest Index of Economic Freedom1 (Heritage, 2006). This paper attempts to prove this by investigating whether the ORH phenomena exist in the Hongkong Stock Exchange (HKSE). 3. Investigate presence of ORH in HKSE for the period 1 April 1997 to 31 March 2007 using the methodology of Fung (1999) which is similar to DeBondt and Thaler (1985) but using the geometric mean, instead of the arithmetic mean, to reduce error caused by bid-ask spread as pointed out by Conrad and Kaul (1993). Fama (1970) popularised the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH) which states that stock prices reflect all available

Friday, November 1, 2019

Foundations of Microeconomics Consumers and Firms Essay

Foundations of Microeconomics Consumers and Firms - Essay Example The output of the plant is 300,000 units per day at a cost of $30 per unit. The total revenue per day is 300,000 * $30 = $9,000,000. According to Parkin (2005), "A firm shuts down if the price falls below the minimum of average variable cost. The shutdown point is the output and price at which the firm just covers its total variable cost" (p.244). As we can see, the total revenue exceeds the variable costs and it would be recommended to continue to produce. If sales continue to stagnate and drop, there will come a point at which shutdown will be advisable. When sales have reduced to the 250,000 unit level, it will be necessary to begin layoffs. The revenue at that point would be 250,000 * $30 = $7,500,000 and equal to the variable cost. To avoid shutdown, labor costs would need to be reduced. The relationship between a change in price and the change in demand is known as elasticity. If a change in price results in no change in demand, this is known as perfectly inelastic demand (Parkin 2005 p. 84). This would be seen in the market for necessities such as electricity or heating fuel. If the ratio of price change is equal to the change in demand, this is known as unit elastic demand (Parkin 2005 p.84). With some items, such as food, an increase in price only results in a small change in demand. Consumers will cut back, but not eliminate, the product. This is known as inelastic demand (Parkin 2005 p.84). ... The demand change is equal to 10 / 30 * 100 = 33.33%. The change in demand has a larger percentage decrease than the percentage of increase in price and is an elastic demand. Part Three As a policy maker concerned with correcting the effects of gases and particulates emitted by and local power plant, I would first look to command and control regulations. This is the simplest approach for the government and would transfer the cost of reducing the emissions to the consumer and the firm. While this may be the simplest, it may not be acceptable to environmentalists or the parties burdened with the cost. It is also difficult to enforce. Vouchers are another method that should be considered. However, since the problem is a local power plant, the tactic might be ineffective. The firm could purchase vouchers and still continue to discharge pollutants. Charging an emissions fee for the amount discharged may be viewed as a penalty or fine for polluting and would be a cost passed on to the consumers. Taxing the pollutants would have the advantage of providing an economic incentive for compliance. These taxes, known as Pigovian taxes, can be useful in getting a firm to act as if they are bearing the total cost of the externalities (Parkin 2005 p.348). The tax method seems to be the most efficient. Under the tax method, the tax rate is set at the cost of the externalities. The pollutants fall to the point that the cost to produce plus the tax reaches market equilibrium. Polluting above that point raises the cost beyond the marketable price. This would efficiently control the discharge and put the money in the hands of the government to be used to cover the external costs or tax reduction. References Parkin, M. (2005). Microeconomics (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Understanding The Periodic Table Research Paper

Understanding The Periodic Table - Research Paper Example All matter is made up of very small particles called atoms. They are small, indivisible particles that cannot be seen by the naked eye. With the advancement of technology, atoms can now be viewed through scanning microscopes (Genesis, n.d.). Protons, electrons and neutrons are the particles that can be found in an atom. Protons are positively charged particles, while the electron is negatively charged. Neutrons are uncharged particles (Genesis, n.d.). The mass of the atom is measured from the mass of the proton and neutron, and they are located at the center of the atom clumping together and called the nucleus. Protons weigh approximately 1.67 x 10-24 grams or 1 atomic mass unit (amu) and the neutron also weighs 1 atomic mass unit (Interactives, n.d.). As mentioned earlier, all elements are made up of atoms. The similarity of the elements and their differences are also characterized by the properties of the atoms. Periodicity Dmitri Mendeleev was the scientist who created the periodic table of elements. In 1868, he arranged the different known elements during his time in order of their mass. That time, there were only sixty elements, so it was not so difficult. He observed that there was a pattern of similarity in characteristics on the arranged elements. This pattern was referred to as periodicity. In 1913, a scientist named Henry Moseley rearranged Mendeleev’s table in order of the atomic number. ... The blocks in the periodic table have the atomic symbol at the center of each block, usually in capitalized, larger, bold-faced fonts. The atomic symbol stands for the first letter of the English name of the element, or sometimes, its Latin name. If there are two letters, meaning there is already an existing element with the symbol of only the first letter, the second letter is already written in small case. Figure 2 shows a typical block of a periodic table. Figure 2. A Typical Block in the Periodic Table of Elements (Source: Periodic tables have different designs in terms of the location of the information and the type of information placed on each block. Usually, they have an example of the block to identify the parts of the block, and legends to identify the metals, non-metals and transition metals. Colorful periodic tables are much easier to understand since the colors also serve as legends making it easier to identify the elements. The atomic symbol o f gold, Au, is from its Latin name Aurium. The number at the upper center of the block is the atomic number, which is representative of the number of protons of an element (Genesis, n.d.). In this case, 79 is the atomic number of gold, which means that the element has 79 protons. The number at the lower center of the block is the atomic mass of gold. Some periodic tables also include other physical properties in the blocks such as the element’s specific gravity and melting point. Again, these can be identified using the sample diagram of the blocks in the periodic table. Groups and Periods Figure 3 is a simple representation of the modern periodic table of elements. As can be seen, the elements are

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Synopsis of Christopher Taggi’s Movie 95 Essay Example for Free

A Synopsis of Christopher Taggi’s Movie 95 Essay Renowned American film producer Cecil B. DeMille once said, â€Å"What I have crossed out I didnt like. What I havent crossed out Im dissatisfied with.† (â€Å"Cecil B. DeMille Quotes.† Brainy Quote, n.d. Web. 05 Oct.2012.) This persistent feeling of dissatisfaction is suggested in Christopher Taggi’s â€Å"95,† in which the protagonist is discontent with his current life condition and keeps driving on the highway to look for better opportunities. In fact, the author points out that in contemporary society people are dissatisfied because of their insatiable desire for wanting more. This sad reality is illustrated by the protagonist’s parents, who are constantly moving from one place to another to try find opportunies, the protagonist Hank himself, who desires more than what he already has, and the highway that symbolizes people’s everlasting demand. The unfortunate fact of people feeling dissatisfied because of their avaricious desires is demonstrated by the characterization of Hank’s parents. When Hank was young, he and his parents were continually moving from here to there. His parents were never satisfied with what they had and were always looking for opportunities that would give them better jobs and make them wealthier and happier. From Hank’s descriptions of his father† touching things absently† (4) and† his eyes clouded with the nowhere stare,† (4) the author suggests that his father doesn’t enjoy his life. Also, when they stopped for food during car trips, Hank noticed that his father would only have a glass of water. Even if his father explained that: â€Å"No sense in buying something you don’t feel like eating,† (4) Hank knew that his parents were poor. This justifies his parents’ motivation of constantly moving. His father also used to say: â€Å"Opportunity, it makes people rich, makes people famous. All you have to do is go out there and find it.† (4) Contrary to what his parents believed, even after all the years of searching, they never found the right opportunity and obtained what they wanted. This suggests that Hank’s parents, like many people in modern society, will not find happiness because they live with insatiable desires and therefore will not get the feeling of satisfaction in their lives. The characterization of Hank himself also shows how people in the contemporary society always want more. For example, when Hank woke up from his dream about his socks, he realized that† nothing good or special or wonderful has happened to him.† (7) This shows that Frank is idealistic and has superfluous expectations in life. Also, Hank has a nice girlfriend who cares about him and loves him, but he still thinks about how he would leave her even though there are no reasons for him to do so. When his girlfriend asks him if he was happy, he says, â€Å"Sometimes I am. Mostly, I guess I just feel like I can’t be really happy. Just missing something important.† (7) Another passage would be when his girlfriend asked him if he likes her, he answered:†sometimes I like you and maybe I think I even love you a little. And sometimes I hate you.† (7) We can see that Hank is uncertain about his feelings for his girlfriend and if she is the person that he wants to be with. Those are typical examples of a person who is not sure about what he wants and believes that there is always something better waiting for him. The thing that is missing for Hank is simply appreciating what he already possesses. From this reasoning, it is clear that great numbers of people from the twentieth century are just like Hank, they can’t find happiness simply because they are insatiable. The highway is an important symbol used by the author to signify the notion that contemporary people are dissatisfied and always want more. Hank and his parents used to drive on the highway because they wanted more than what they have and the highway offered opportunities. When Hank is driving with his girlfriend on the highway, he sees many billboards that attract him. Especially one billboard on which was written† LUCKY LEO’S FIREWORK EMPORIUM, it boomed in explosive neon colors. LARGEST SUPPLY OF FIREWORKS IN ALL DIXIE! FREE PARKING and DELICIOUS RESTAURANT. 20Ml.† (4) However, when Hank finally gets there, all he finds is the emptiness of an abandoned place. He could see that â€Å"the largest supply of fireworks in all of Dixie must have gone off simultaneously a long time ago. Only the charred, outer brick shell of the building remained.† (5) This suggests that people like Hank, who always wish for more will often get disappointed by the reality and then again return to their initial state of dissatisfaction. The symbolism of the highway proves how people in contemporary society feel dissatisfied because of their everlasting demand. Thus, Christopher Taggi’s â€Å"95† suggests that people in the contemporary society are suffering from dissatisfaction. This is demonstrated by the characterization of Hank’s parents, who always try to find a better life, Hank himself, who is never satisfied with what he already has and the highway that symbolizes how people believe that better things are waiting for them. Work Cited Taggi,Christopher. â€Å"95.† Voices of the Xiled: A Generation Speakers For Itself. Eds. Michael Wexler and John Hulme. New York: Doubleday, 1994. 210-218. Print. â€Å"Cecil B. DeMille Quotes.† Brainy Quote, n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2012

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Robert Frost poems Essay -- Literary Analysis, After-Apple Picking

Robert Lee Frost is one of the most popular American poets in the century. Frost frequently uses the theme of nature in all of his poem collections. Due to the time he spent and lived in New England, most of his work was influenced by some specific locations in New England. Frost uses nature as a medium to express thoughts about life. In the poem â€Å"After Apple-picking†, Robert Frost has many symbols and as well as allusions to embellish the meaning of the poem. In addition, â€Å"After-Apple Picking† is not literally about picking apples; it’s about the everyday life that human go on with. Like all of his other poems, this poem can be interpreted and read on more than one way. It tells of an old dying man who looks back on his life with regret on the factors/things he did not accomplish. All his life, he spent trying to achieve his goals, but he realizes how he has no reason to accomplish those goals of his. As the poem begins, the speaker is standing on a very long ladder which is apparently pointing towards heaven, also looking down on the apples he did not pick. The speaker’s state of mind looks as if to be in many of regrets, â€Å"and there’s a barrel that I didn’t fill beside it, and there may be two or three apples I didn’t pick upon some bough.† (6) Although, the character may seem confidence and sure of his decision, the audiences question him as the character looks upon at the barrel that he did not complete. The apples that the speaker is constantly referring to represent life experiences, the speaker missed. However, the speaker does not show any sign of regret, due to the reason that he is â€Å"done with apple picking now.† (6) It tells the audience that the life experiences that the speaker once had are finally coming to an... ...tans of water as well as land, the audiences can definitely imagine a terrified little boy trapped between the two. Frost makes the ocean look like it could destroy the whole world, an end of the world scenario. The ways portray this evil, that anything they touch, will be destroyed. Importantly, Frost makes it straightforward that the ocean isn’t really the ‘threat’ as it may appears to be evil. Frost describes the fear as a feeling that all the people should feel and as well as give a warning: â€Å"Someone had better be prepared for rage.† (12) At the end of the poem, Frost leaves a question to the audience regarding about the source of â€Å"ocean destructive rage†. (Grade saver) In all of these three poems, Robert Frost uses nature to interpret a deeper meaning to the poem, and leave the readers even more anxious to read on and think in a more deeper level.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Islam †Annotated Essay Essay

The article explains the way Islam views life after death. It clearly describes the various tenets that this religion follows when it comes to life on earth and life after death. Islam believes that life on earth has no purpose except to prepare oneself for life after death. The life after death typically consists of three phases: Death, the intermediate and the phase of resurrection. Death is considered to be the first gateway to reach the Garden or Fire. Importance of the custom of singing various verses at the time of death and till the body is buried and the custom of proper ablutions before burial is given due space. The second phase is the most controversial phase for which lot of explanations exist. This is the period when the soul is separated from the body but is not yet resurrected. What the soul does in this in-between phase has many theories, most common being, the souls embarks on a journey similar to the journey made by Prophet Muhammad where He was taken through the seven layers of heaven and made to look down at the tortures of hell. Another commonly accepted theory is the visit of angels Munkar and Nakil, who question the souls about the Quranic verses and their faith. The third phase, that is, the day of Resurrection is believed to be quite spectacular with the destruction of the whole world and the souls entering either the garden or the fire according to their virtues. It is also believed that after resurrection and the destruction of the whole mankind, a new age will begin and justice and righteousness will return to the earth again with a new leader. The idea of punishments or rewards after death, like the author mentioned, do seem having lot of physical attributes. All that has been mentioned seems a bit too dramatic like the tree in hell, Zaqqam which has demons as flowers! It seems, to capture a proper picture of the horror of hell, physical attributes like fire, demons, swords, etc. have been used. This would probably make humans understand better the tortures that they are to undergo if they do not live a life of righteousness. The editor’s note also briefs about the various contributions Islam as a religion has made to the world like ban on liquor, gambling and other vices. It also mentions the equality that Muslim women are credited with in the religion. However, in this present world, they seem to be the most bounded ones. The images of burqa-clad women with no freedom tell quite a different story. The religion, which has beautiful and just tenets to its credit like equal property rights to women, no race and color discrimination, seems to be misunderstood and misinterpreted by the religious heads and the followers for short term benefits. Because of such acts, Islam today is demonized and its contributions to the society are being passed unnoticed. Finally, the article was a comprehensive note of the beliefs in Islam regarding death and after and gave a very brief yet informative idea about the various customs and views on important aspects like fate of non-believers and reincarnation. It did make me a lot wiser about this religion!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Physical Development Essay

0 – 3 Years oldPhysical Development Birth to 3 Months: 1.1 From birth babies move there heads head’s and arm this moves down through to legs and feet. New Born babies turn their head side to side when their cheek is stroked, which aids in feeding. Babies can turn their head side to side when laying on their backs or belly and can bring both hands together at the chest or mouth at the age of 1 month old. 3 – 6 Months: 1.1 At 3 months of age, babies progresses to lifting their head and chest up when lying on their belly and may press up with its arms. At 3 to 4 months old the baby can kicks their legs and move arms when laying on their backs and also bats and try to grasp at toys, according to Healthy Children. A 5 to 6 months old baby begins rolling belly to back and back to belly closer to 6 months old. 6 – 7 Months:1.3 At 6 months Baby can raise their hands above their body Sits with proper support Begins finger feeding Babbles and laugh Changes tone of voice to express their self Starts to chuckle. Their brains develop enough to form sounds in an effort to communicate. Imitates integration: understands they can get attention y making noise and banging objects. 1.2 At 7 months a normal healthy baby can sit up by themselves, crawl around also hold on to chair or table and pull themselves up to start taking steps. If you place an object like a toy in front of the baby tempting him or her to reach forward to grab the item or toy up. Babies fine their motor skills and also start to improve movement. Babies also like to put toys in their mouths and rub their gums. When it is time for dinner they can also have solid food to eat especially when the babies are been weaned off the mushy baby food. 8 – 12 months According to writer, Stehanie Labandz, Babies also start to utter their first words – despite mum’s best efforts; this is often â€Å"dada†! Initially, babies use â€Å"mama† and â€Å"dada† indiscriminately, but as they get older, they learn who’s who. Reading simple books to your baby now will help their speech and build the vocabulary of words that they can understand. Your baby will be ready for small portions of purà ©ed meat and other proteins, such as lentils. If he seems to dislike a food, wait a few days and try it again. You can also introduce easy-to-grasp finger foods, such as soft bread, banana, cheese and steamed vegetables. Introduce one new food at a time and wait three days before introducing another one, in case of any allergic reaction. Your baby should also start eating lumpier purà ©es at about this age. Babies also learn to take their first steps by holding on to independently while supervised. By now baby has hand to eye coordination and watches you brush your hair then baby can imitate by holding a brush to brush their own hair. They watch you hold a phone to talk and copied your movements. Read more: Mar 15.| By Stephanie Labandz 12 months old – 3 years old Weight is now approximately 3 times the child’s birth weight. Respiration rate varies with emotional state and activity. Rate of growth slows. Head size increases slowly; grows approximately 1.3 cm every six months; anterior fontanels is nearly closed at eighteen months as bones of the skull thicken. Anterior fontanel closing or fully closed, usually at the middle of this year. Chest circumference is larger than head circumference. Legs may still appear bowed. Toddler will begin to lose the â€Å"Baby Fat† once he/she begins walking. Body shape changes; takes on more adult-like appearance. 2 years old Physical Development Posture is more erect; abdomen still large and protruding, back swayed, because abdominal muscles are not yet fully developed. Respirations are slow and regular Body temperature continues to fluctuate with activity, emotional state, and environment. Brain reaches about 80 percent of its adult size. 16 baby teeth almost finished growing out 3 year old Physical Development Growth is steady though slower than in first two years. Adult height can be predicted from measurements of height at three years of age; males are approximately 53% of their adult height and females, 57%. Legs grow faster than arms, Circumference of head and chest is equal; head size is in better proportion to the body. â€Å"Baby fat† disappears as neck appears. Posture is more erect; abdomen no longer protrudes. Slightly knock-kneed. can jump from low step can stand up and walk around on tiptoes â€Å"Baby† teeth stage over. Needs to consume approximately 6,300 kJ (1,500 calories) daily 2 – 7 Years old Physical Development 3 year old Physical Development The 3 year old child has develop in many ways and is now balancing They tend to run faster than before and talk more fluently A 3 year old can dress him or her self and sometimes puts clothes on back to front without releasing. They hold a pencil or crayon by gripping with firmly with fingers The coordination eye and hand contact of building brick is now easy for the child Go upstairs and spend time on their own playing with toys Speech is more clearly spoken when having a conversation with family or friends Child can sleep all night dry bed and use the bathroom in the mornings Children at this age can throw a ball and some can catch the ball Riding a tricycle bike is a favourite play time for a 3 year old 4 year old Physical Development A four year child physical development can walk up and down stairs Balance on walking on the wall and walking long distance They can catch a ball and throw a ball also bounce the ball Getting dress in the morning and doing up buttons and zips A four year old can go to the toilet by themselves Some four year can ride a bike without support after learning to balance other ride tricycle bikes, scooters and roller skate A four year old likes to write their names, recognise spellings, they like to paint and draw pictures and tell you what is going on in the picture. They like to run and race each other. 5 year old Physical Development At this age of 5 years old the child goes to school and mixes with other children They can run and jump also run backwards, roll around and spin around They can balance on a low beam, climb up and down climbing frame Swing on a swing by pushing their legs in and out with the wind Play games together that they invent like mummy’s and daddy’s Some children at this age have an imaginary friend who eats’ and plays with them. They like music and can dance to the rhythm of the beat A child at this age will like to help out mum when she is working at home They also like to learn how to bake by mixing the butter and sugar together when mum is baking or even at school. They can write and learn reading and  colours, making building blocks with Lego At this age the child can hold scissors and cut out shapes, use glue and stick paper when making a hat or what ever art work they are creating. 6 to 7 Year old Physical Development When a child has reached the age of 6 years old the child can learn and play more in a shorter time of 30 minutes to 45 minutes. They now like to do work that is set for them such as painting, writing and maths They know who is a boy and who is a girl They know what is fantasy and what is reality Dress and undress themselves at P.E when at school and follow instructions movements They grow at a slower rate now The physical development growth maybe the same pattern as their family history At the age of 6 a child can make connection between feelings and thoughts and action Some children at this age wet him or herself when they get excited At 7 years old a child finds it difficult to make choices special when you take them out they want everything. They are very energetic and love moving around dancing, tapping hand or foot, wiggling they find it hard to sit still. At dinner time they tend to eat with fingers and chat with a mouth full of food Plays on their on and make up a game when playing with toys They have growth spurts at this age. 7 to 12 Years old Physical Development According to Heather Robson a writer, Children at the ages 7 to 12 years old do not grow at a fast rate as they used too in the first 6 years of their life. As they are growing into adolescence. Children between 7 and 12 years old are independent when it comes to physical abilities They have the ability to learn how to sew, help paint a wall if your painting, Children at this age 7 to 12 likes to learn a musical instruments like the Clarinet, Piano, Drumming lessons, read music notes. They also tend to sulk a lot at this age of 7, when they don’t get their own ways and withdraw themselves. When a chid is of 7 years old also get very frustrated when they can’t complete something and fail. At 8 years old they learn to play well at group  games. They also recognize the time of day. They talk about past times to do with themselves. By the age of 9 children can be critical to others. They now enjoy the company of friends outside their homes. They have a dress sense of their own when putting clothes together for themselves. They like their hair cuts or styles in a particular way. They want privacy from younger siblings when they have friend or cousin over at their house and no longer want the younger child/children to play in their games. Their bodies go through changes as they come towards the teenage years When the children get older and reach the age of 10 to 12 years old they begin to change body shapes and sizes. Girls they begin to develop breasts and hips by the age of 10 t0 11 years old Some girls start their periods at the age of 11 or 12 depending on their body development. At this stage in growing up they become anxious about their body and interested in sharing with their friends who age going through the same changes. They are becoming a young woman and are more mature than boys at this age. Girls are following in their mother’s ways of how they developed. Boys at the age of 10 to 12 years old also tend to change body shape and sizes They may notice small pubic hairs start to develop on their body just as girls do. They are at an age when they are more interested in sports and very competitive when playing sports. They love music and dancing show off their best moves of who is better. They want to have muscles in their arms and show their strengths Tend to play among themselves in the play ground at school. physical children 7 -12-years.html