Friday, December 27, 2019

Crohn s Disease An Inflammatory Bowel Disease Essay

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that is defined by inflammation of the digestive system. It can affect any part of the GI tract, including the mouth and anus (Abbvie Inc, 2016)). Crohn’s disease does not have a cure and there is no exact cause for the occurring disease. â€Å"Since the exact cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown, it has been linked to a combination of environmental factors, immune function and bacterial factors, as well as a patient’s genetic susceptibility to developing the disease† (History Cooperative, 2014). Lauren Page is 28 years old. She was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when she was 24 going on 25 years old and was hospitalized during her birthday week. Her breaking point was when she could not take the pain any longer. Lauren had a fever of 104.5 and unbearable abdomen pain. She had also contracted an infection in her bloodstream from developing a fistula from her vagina to her rectum. Luckily they we re able to do surgery to correct her fistula. She had a multitude of tests including: blood work, stool samples, CT scans, MRI, X-rays, a balloon test, endoscopy and countless colonoscopies. Lauren’s disease is located in her large intestines. Chron’s disease is not apart of Lauren’s family so she was clueless to what it was when she was diagnosed. It took about a month until they were completely certain that it was Crohn’s disease. Her iron was low and she was borderline anemic, had massive weight loss, and chronic pain in her abdomen. SheShow MoreRelatedThe Inflammatory Bowel Disorder Known As Crohn s Disease ( Cd )1291 Words   |  6 Pagesfundamental purpose of this paper is to apprise to the reader pivotal information on the inflammatory bowel disorder known as Crohn’s Disease (CD). It is a rare disease that is usually not wanted to be discussed by its sufferers, due to its sensitive nature of being a digestive problem. 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