Thursday, September 12, 2019

Management . Hidden value book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management . Hidden value book - Essay Example The difference here begins with the CEO who has a whole different outlook on the world of business. He believes that business will flourish only if the customers have respect for the work you do and the goals you have for your company, that this is more than setting goals for increasing revenues but increasing the overall respect by his employees and his customers. He believes that begins with "realistic" goals about accomplishing something with meaning and he does not mean financial goals (OReilly &Pfeffer, 2,000 pg. 121). He believes that any employee can accomplish the goals of the company, if the goals are understood and essentially set by them. He does not look for employees that have great degrees but employees who are enthusiastic about the business and what it should accomplish. He will train them once hired. The company is successful with this goal setting and people policy because the employees are involved. They understand the goals that are set and they are within the locus of their control. Regular people who have a desire to lead and want to drive the company forward are given the opportunity to do that and many accomplish great things. They are all given more responsibility. For example when salespeople are given the ability to write up their orders, they are given more responsibility and with that responsibility comes the success that is driven by success. The CEO is also involved at the ground level as he respects employees and customers, so they respect him. He does not feel he needs to hire degreed employees but dedicated employees. In the past the focus in hiring employees has been to hire the best which at that time meant education and degree, certifications. It was often found though, that these people did not stay long in one place unless there was a great opportunity for improving their status or an ability to move up the ladder in that company. However, most newly trained management would agree with this CEO. You need to put

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